Welcome to Unity Grove Allotments, Harrogate.

Unity Grove Allotments Now & into the Future
Unity Grove Allotments is a non-profit association, and thriving community of almost 200 committed plot holders. As well as being a productive allotment, Unity Grove is a little oasis in an otherwise built up busy town centre.
You are very welcome to add your name to our waiting list for an allotment garden by completing the application form on our Join our Waiting List page.
Each year, approximately 100 people will inquire on how they can join our waiting list . Plots usually become available towards the end of January each year, but are re-let as quickly as possible, as and when they become available; whatever the time of year.
Unity Grove Allotment Association understands that in addition to being able to grow your own vegetables, fruit and flowers, there are other benefits to allotment gardening, including accessing outdoor greenspace and being able to participate in physical activity; all of which positively contribute to our physical and emotional wellbeing.
Here at Unity Grove Allotments, we are committed to making allotment gardening accessible to as many people, within our local community as possible.
This means the committee are always considering the site amenities we are currently able to provide and how we might improve upon these, so that we are truly accessible to all. At the moment, we recognise that we are falling short of this ambition. Unity Grove Allotments is committed to tackling this issue.
Although we are a non-profit association, we are determined not to allow this fact to steer our vision and ambitions. We hope that through future fundraising, we will be able to address site improvements, to make it more accessible to all, irrespective of additional physical, sensory, and or complex health needs, or hidden needs; whilst ensuring everyone's safety and comfort.
One of our top priorities is to be able to create a community garden plot, consisting of raised planting beds, with paths that allow those with mobility considerations, including wheelchair use, ease of access.
Over time, we also hope to raise sufficient funds to install disability and mains connected toilet facilities and association meeting room, open to all, where people can take a break.
We believe that by prioritising these improvements, our whole community will have benefitted, and we will be further along the way to becoming a fully inclusive community, able to welcome everyone.
If you would like to discuss how you might be able to support our ambitions, please contact the allotment secretary by e-mailing Jean Jarvis on