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A bit about our Association
Unity Grove Allotment is the largest allotment site within Harrogate. Unity Grove Allotments is run on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council, as a non profit self-administered association, by trustees and a small committee, who volunteer their time, skills and labour. Because we are such a large site, with almost 200 plot holders, the committee are always looking for additional volunteers and there are many ways plot holders can get involved.
For example, the committee sometimes co-opt roles on to the committee to help maintain the allotment site. Unity Grove also holds regular working parties to tackle jobs, either to assist individual plot holders or to maintain community common areas.
Although Unity Grove Allotments is self-administered, we do have obligations to fulfil to ensure that we are compliant with the written agreement between the Trustees of the Association and the Council. As part of this agreement, the Council inspect our allotment site once a year to ensure the site is being managed and maintained in good order. Committee members liaise with North Yorkshire County Council over various matters and they are responsible for making sure that plot holders are maintaining their plots to the nationally recognised and expected standard. The committee endeavours to keep members fully informed of all relevant information, so that everyone is aware of issues affecting their allotment site, and to ensure that they remain safe whilst growing their allotment garden.
The elected committee currently consists of a chairman, secretary, treasurer, site manager, plot lettings manager. and a co-opted committee member who, together with the committee, are responsible for site maintenance, running the site shop, and coordinating the chicken cooperative.
Members of the committee are elected by plot holders, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). We hold our AGMs in November each year. All plot holders are invited to attend and vote on important decisions and hear reports from various committee members. The AGM is also an opportunity for members to voice their views and to propose amendments.
The committee endeavours to maintain the common areas, including on site access paths, verges and boundary hedges. Plot holders are responsible for maintaining the paths and hedges surrounding their individual plots.
The committee communicates and meet regularly to make decisions regarding the efficient management of the site and to respond to issues and emergencies, i.e. flooding, theft and vandalism.
They also monitor plot usage and write to plot holders who are not maintaining acceptable standards on their plots or maintaining the paths and hedges adjacent to their plots; in addition to responding to issues related to the health & safety of everyone using the site.
The current elected and co-opted committee members as of November 2019 are:
Phil Jarvis, Chairman, plot 34
Jean Jarvis, Secretary, plot 33
Sam Ward, Treasurer, plots 20b & 30
James Didzun, plot Lettings Manager, plot 10b & 14a
Gary Pattinson, Site Manager, plot 41b
The committee is happy to respond to any comments or questions you may have and are ready to help wherever possible.
You can contact the committee via the secretary by e-mailing
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