Meet the Team
Here at Unity Grove Allotments, the committee is made up of volunteers, who despite busy lives, are committed to trying their very best to serve the allotment community and to be as helpful as possible.
The committee are always looking to co-opt additional support from members of the association. If you are an established plot holder with time to get involved, please contact a member of the committee. We would love to have you onboard.
You can contact a member of the team by clicking on the 'Get in Touch' button below, or by e-mailing Jean Jarvis.

Phil Jarvis
Phil has been a member of Unity Grove Allotments since 2015, and Chairman of the association since 2019. Phil's a bit of a perfectionist and loves allotment gardening. He enjoys helping others and sharing his knowledge and skills to support the overall aims and objectives of the allotment site. Phil likes nothing better than spending all of his available time on his allotment, and getting together with family and like minded people.

Jean Jarvis
Jean has been a member of Unity Grove Allotments since March 2015, and Secretary since July 2019. Jean retired from her profession as a local authority social worker in 2020, and now brings her administrational skills to the role of secretary for the allotment. Jean also manages and mans the allotment shop, plans and organises the allotment Open Day and social BBQs, When not on allotment business, Jean loves being with her grandchildren and family.

Sam Ward
Sam has been a member of Unity Grove Allotments since April 2019. Between 2020 to 2021 Sam was our Plot Lettings Manager. In 2022, Sam agreed to become the associations Treasurer. Sam loves to muck in and offer her help to everyone to the benefit of Unity Grove. Sam works for Betty's and so she's great at organising working parties; you can be sure that if you join one of Sam's working parties, there's cake and good tea and coffee on offer to reward everyone's hard work

Gary Pattinson
Site Manager
Gary has been a member of Unity Grove Allotments since February 2012, and Site Manager since November 2019. Gary works full time for Royal Mail, however, when he's finished his working day, he loves getting stuck in, tending his own plot, tackling jobs around the site, and contributing to working parties
Gary is also a trained chef and when not mowing communal areas, you'll find him manning the BBQ at community BBQ events.
James Didzun
Plot Lettings Manager
James has been a plot holder on Unity Grove Allotments since May 2021. Even before he was elected onto the committee in 2023, James was actively involved in helping his neighbours and committee members. James is extremely helpful and hardworking. Every workplace, or voluntary committee needs a James.
In a matter of hours, James can turn any neglected plot into a well organised plot, ready to become a productive allotment garden, ready for its new plot holder.
James' plot is regularly identified by the judges of Harrogate & District Allotment Federation as the best plot on Unity Grove Allotments.