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Unity Grove Allotments was delighted to win first prize for their entry in the 2020 Harrogate & District Allotment Federation's 60th Anniversary Competition. Plot holders across the district were invited to 'grow Diamond Jubilee Sweet Peas, Jubilee Boy Dahlias and Jubilee Tomatoes, all from seeds and tubers, and to bring all 3 elements together to make an interesting arrangement'. The sweet peas where grown by John Blackburn, the dahlias by Alan Connell, and the tomatoes by Phil Jarvis. The arrangement was thrown together by Jean Jarvis.

Celebrating our Achievements
Unity Grove Allotment Competitions 2022

Every year Unity Grove Allotments holds our own on-site competitions. We are always looking at ways to celebrate our achievements.

Chairman's Cup for Best Plot 2022

Winner plots 66

As announced by the Chairman in his report for the AGM in November, the winner of the coveted 'Chairman's Cup for Best Plot' in 2021 was awarded to James . Freda has been a plot holder since 2005. The prize for winning the Chairman's Cup is that he pays your allotment rent for the coming year. The Chairman's Cup competition was judged throughout 2021, and was identified as meeting exemplary allotment gardening standards.

Best Newcomer Cup 2021

Winner Plot 92b

Adrian Stoltman was rightfully awarded the Best Newcomer Cup 2021. Adrian's plot was also identified during independent inspection by the HDAF in July 2021, as being the best plot on Unity Grove Allotments, in terms of plant health, growing technique and variety of crops grown.

First & Runner Up Winners 2021

Unity Grove Allotments held a number of competitions during 2021, including Best Scarecrow, tallest sunflower and clearest plot number. The winners are pictured below.

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